Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The snow abates

It stopped snowing and its a beautiful sunny (cold) day here at the farm. I should probably knock the snow off the edge of the roof. This entrance is pretty much out of commission should I ever need to get out in a hurry.

I did knock the snow of the porch roof on the left side of the photo. The drifting off the roof almost touched the bank below. Young Jonah loves to explore under there so I'm trying to keep at least that area safe.

I'm continually amazed at how much snow the boughs of an evergreen tree can hold without breaking.

The snow and ice on top of this 10 ton feed tank not a good thing. There is only one spot to draw feed out of the tank (its manual with a pail, not automated) and that is right below this overhanging menace. I couldn't get the entire tank in the photo, but there is framing around the bottom, a few feet off the ground, that prevents me from standing anywhere but one spot for filling the pails. The framing also prevents me from diving under the tank if I hear a tumble coming from above.

The hopper slot and the snow overhang are on the east side of this tank and the wind is always from the west. That means, besides overhead snow, the dust from the feed as the pails fill blows straight into my eyes. Allergy attack!

The sheep are in their breeding groups now, and they get some grain each day. The official breeding period is over tomorrow and the grain supplement will end while they are in early gestation. So hopefully that overhead snow will hold off for another day before letting go!

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