Thursday, January 22, 2015

Young hiker

On Tuesday Jonah went for his first hike beyond the farmstead.  You can see he even went off piste ;o) There's a crust on the snow an inch or so below the fresh snow, and he's light enough that it made easy walking. 

We went out to the back pond and around one of the hay fields - a little less than 2 km all told. He had a pretty good sleep afterward and it didn't seem too much for him (judging by tail wagging).

Yesterday we went out to the back bush and up the knoll. He seemed pretty happy to explore the exciting sights and smells of the bush. It was about 4 km; he sat down once in a while on the last km. Maybe a little too long.

It was neat to see him 'discover' his nose an what it could do.

Of great interest to me is the prolific number of rabbit tracks we saw. The rabbits are usually plentiful, but the past two years the coyotes have virtually cleaned them out.  All these things are cyclical, and it seems maybe the coyotes are waning now. (Would be nice.)

1 comment:

  1. Jonah is delightful!!
    What fun.
